We’ve all opened our email to find lists of things we should be doing, or not doing, and we open the paper to read about all the negative things that are occurring in the world today.
It’s time for us to turn these “should/shouldn’t” lists and negative things into something positive! So, as the older and wiser generation, maybe we can have an impact on our families and friends by putting this pretty darn good list to work!
It’s a simple recipe to follow. The ingredients are listed, and there’s no need to go to the market to prepare this. Serving instructions follow.
1. Alright!
2. Amazing effort!
3. Awesome!
4. Beautiful!
5. Bravo!
6. Clever!
7. Congratulations!
8. Cool!
9. Couldn’t have done it better myself!
10. Excellent!
11. Exceptional!
12. Extraordinary!
13. Fantastic!
14. Far out!
15. Fine!
16. First rate!
17. Good for you!
18. Good job!
19. Good remembering!
20. Good thinking!
21. Good try!
22. Good work!
23. Great answer!
24. Great!
25. Hooray for you!
26. I call that a fine job!
27. I knew you could do it!
28. I think you’ve got it now!
29. I’m proud of you!
30. Incredible!
31. Job well done!
32. Keep it up!
33. Keep up the good work!
34. Keep working on it, you’re getting better!
35. Look at you go!
36. Magnificent!
37. Marvelous!
38. My hat’s off to you!
39. Nice Going!
40. Niiiice!
41. Now you’ve got the hang of it!
42. Out of sight!
43. Outstanding!
44. Perfect!
45. Phenomenal!
46. Radical!
47. Remarkable!
48. Right on!
49. Sensational!
50. Stupendous!
51. Super job!
52. Superb!
53. Sweeeeet!
54. Take a bow!
55. Terrific!
56. Thanks for helping!
57. That’s better!
58. That’s coming along nicely!
59. That’s it!
60. That’s quite an improvement!
61. That’s really nice!
62. That’s RIGHT!
63. That’s the best you’ve ever done!
64. That’s the way to do it!
65. Tremendous!
66. Two thumbs up!
67. Unbelievable work!
68. Very courageous!
69. Way to go!
70. What a great idea!
71. Wonderful!
72. WOW!
73. You are very good at that!
74. You did that very well!
75. You figured that out!
76. You made it happen!
77. You made the difference!
78. You make it look easy!
79. You make me smile!
80. You outdid yourself!
81. You really make this fun!
82. You remembered!
83. You rock!
84. You should be proud!
85. You’re a good sport!
86. You’re a great example for others!
87. You’re a great kid! (person!)
88. You’re doing fine!
89. You’re doing much better today!
90. You’re learning a lot!
91. You’re on the right track!
92. You’re really going to town!
93. You’re really improving!
94. You’re really working hard today!
95. You’ve been practicing!
96. You’ve got it made!
97. You’ve just about got it!
98. Your help counts!
To make the most of this recipe, use these ingredients all the time, and be sure to sprinkle lovingly and liberally with that special verbal exclamation mark (!) …it’ll make a difference! There's enough here for you to serve to your great/grandchildren, kids, their partners and/or spouses, friends and still have leftovers! Feel free to pass it on!
And one more thought....
“All kids need is a little help, a little hope, and somebody who believes in them.” Ervin “Magic” Johnson